This is called a Mobius Strip and can be described as a continuous, one-sided surface formed by twisting one end of a rectangular strip through 180 degrees about the longitudinal axis of the strip and attaching this end to the other.

New Pathway Logo Philosophy

The twisting of the surface indicates the shift that occurs when God touches a human life.  All things become brand new.  God’s structures of life are opposite of those that originate from the earth, and we must access and live completely within God’s structures.  They are simple; they are complex; therefore, we say they are “simply complex”!

The two sides becoming one represents covenant—the mutual joining together of individuals within our community, both local and global, under the headship of Apostolic grace from God.

The overall nature of the shape is a circle, and this represents the eternal purposes of God.  God has no beginning, and He has no end, and He will accomplish His purposes in the earth, even in spite of the ignorance and rebellion found in humans across the earth.

We have entered into a new awareness of the strategic capacity and power of collaboration.  The twist in the surface, converting two sides into one, speaks of the nature of the transactions we have with God’s commands from heaven.  God’s nature is unchanging, but His movement in the earth, through His reformation people, is progressively evolving and changing to accommodate all that has to be done in order to bring The Finish of His divine purposes.

When God’s demands are made clear, they come into NEW PATHWAY without resistance or obstruction.  We are not rigid and fixed in “our ways”.  Like the seamless joining of the two sides of the surface of the image, we readily change and shift to give God exactly what He wants.

We have done away with man-made systems of hierarchy, “my ministry” mentalities, and selfish ambition, and are building structures that empower each member in the Body of Christ with “heavenly revelation”, to bring the ages to a close by fulfilling every prophetic desire and command of God Almighty.  We operate in a fluid sense of Kingdom, where no single individual or people group has an advantage over another, and where we never forget what God says when He speaks.

The three separate dots represent the reality of individual lives joining together to reflect God’s communal nature—three yet ONE.  The members of NEW PATHWAY are from very different and diverse backgrounds; however, we have been brought together in functional oneness by God’s grace and are building our lives on the same values, principles, and Kingdom standards—all within the context of Apostolic Grace.

If you were to traverse the entire length of this structure, you would arrive back at the same exact location without having crossed over any edges.  The dots represent God’s people walking in a fluid discipleship process towards more maturity, complexity, wholeness, and stability in the nature of Christ.  This is the design of God for His people.  Kingdom life is a continuous process of acting and learning and moving towards the completeness that is found only in Christ.  We are people on a NEW PATHWAY, and will not stop until every purpose of God, revealed in His Word to us, is completely and accurately executed.